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The Trash the Dress Shooting with us!

Wedding is when feelings do somersaults. Who wouldn’t sign that? Still, wedding is something very individual. For some it is the most beautiful day in life, which solemnly opens the common path of life. With sacral ceremony followed by wedding reception in stylish ambience. For the others, the wedding is also pure fairyland feeling, but also a welcome occasion to ring in the common future with particularly crazy and unusual things. The trash the dress shooting as a welcome after-wedding shooting of a different kind!

Trash the Dress Sessions are the absolute hit and they offer you the ideal opportunity to put on the wedding dress again and make a sensational shooting according to your wishes. Most of the time your wedding dress hangs in the box and was cleaned after the wedding. It remains in the box, because even if you marry again, you would not do it in the same dress. So honestly, what does this dress do for you now in the wardrobe?

One of the unusual wedding ideas is the “trash the dress photo shoot”, where crazy “trash the dress” pictures are taken in rather unusual places. But what exactly happens during this so-called “after-wedding shooting? Does this trend photography really have such a “destructive” effect on the chic wedding attire as the name would have us believe? One thing in advance: the trash the dress shoot can be very spectacular and stands for an idiosyncratic way to stage the wedding memory in a completely different way.


Where does the term "trash the dress" come from?

No dress holds as many secrets as the wedding dress. Actually, it’s way too bad that the most important dress in a woman’s life is only allowed to exude its allure for one day. Exactly at this point the idea docks to arrange the wedding photography times completely differently. Namely with a lot of action and boundless imagination.

John Michael Cooper, an American wedding photographer, eventually got tired of shooting the same poses and boring setups. His idea of photographing the wedding couple, in the most unexpected and whimsical surroundings possible, struck a chord with those involved. Trash the dress session were born!

When do you do a trash the dress shoot?

A trash the dress shoot always takes place after the wedding. And in the process, the bride’s dress and the groom’s suit are not really destroyed. A bit battered, perhaps.
A professional vigasist will conjure up a suitable make-up for you. One that fits your chosen location. And it should already be exactly the opposite of a tranquil pond or a green meadow with ducks. Trash the dress goes differently. Spookier, creepier, wackier. Maybe even more authentic?

Where do you do a trash the dress shoot?

For a trash-the-dress photo shoot, the location can’t be fancy enough. The time of year and the local conditions certainly play a major role. But even those can be redesigned to fit with a lot of creativity. Why not repeat the hot wedding kiss on an ugly junkyard between cannibalized car bodies and scrap press? Or continue the wedding dance on a muddy building site? A filthy, old warehouse with machines that are just rotting away is just as bizarre as a photo shoot on a dung heap or in a totally overcrowded subway station. The palette of crazy ideas can be expanded individually by everyone. The wedding clothes do not necessarily have to be totally trashed.

Why do a trash the dress shoot?

The crazy trash the dress photo shoot is not meant to replace regular wedding photos. The claim is called: high-contrast counterpart of conventional wedding pictures. And these should come across boisterous, cheeky, frivolous and wacky. Even after twenty or thirty years of marriage.

Ideas for a trash the dress shoot

The ideas for a trash the dress shoot are insanely varied, because a trash the dress shoot can be done just about anywhere. Especially in Vienna or Lower Austria there are so many locations for a trash the dress shoot that we will certainly not run out of ideas.

You can go into the water with your wedding dress, jump into the water and we will be happy to photograph and film you doing so. Great ideas also arise when you take your man with you and we set a romantic scene in the water. We are really not bound by any limits here.

Color also always comes very well, because color, as we all know, brings a lot to our lives. You can destroy your wedding dress with paint or your bridesmaids or friends can help you destroy it.

Burning the wedding dress is not a good idea, because although some of these photos are circulating on the internet, we think that this is not a very good idea, because the risk of injury here is much too high. Apart from that, open fires are prohibited almost everywhere in Austria.

How does a trash-the-dress shoot work?

Our trash-the-dress sessions basically start out quite innocently. We do this session with you after the wedding, when you have decided to destroy your dress and suit instead of leaving it in the box.

You will receive a professional make-up from our make-up artist. The day, the locations and the posing will be discussed in advance and you determine the pace. We start very slowly until you forget the camera and what things you want to do you also decide yourself.

You can also book a trash-the-dress shooting at any time, the prices are available online . We recommend doing the trash-the-dress shoot in either spring or late summer

During the trash-the-dress session we will pass the different “stations” and we will also make sure that the fun will not come too short, we guarantee you that!


Fancy a trash the dress shoot?

You want to have a fun day with us, where you don’t have to worry about your wedding dress staying really white or your suit not getting dirty?
Create precious memories with a Trash the Dress shoot from ViennaShots!