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The vintage wedding

More and more bridal couples opt for a nostalgic ambience and want to celebrate their marriage in the style of a vintage wedding. The most popular vintage arrangements revive times from the end of the 19th century to the 1970s. Occasionally, ’80s motifs are already finding their way into the vintage world. Here you will learn what makes a vintage wedding and what possibilities vintage wedding photos offer.

Vintage wedding creates an extraordinary atmosphere

Experience and our bridal couples prove us right, because many nice places can only be found after a detailed inspection. Especially because there is no time for it on the actual wedding day either. The day is just as busy for the photographer as it is for the bride and groom, and if they don’t start looking for a suitable location for the wedding photos until the day of the wedding, it’s probably too late for that.


The preparations at the vintage wedding

If you also want to celebrate your wedding in the style of a vintage wedding, of course, the preparations are especially important. They give you plenty of opportunities to spend long afternoons rummaging through yellowed photo albums as well as your parents’ or even grandparents’ attic.

Vintage-Hochzeit im Sommer

On weekends, the flea market can then be on the agenda to look for more suitable accessories. To put together your vintage collection, however, you can also find lovingly designed items in numerous stores.

The offer here ranges from anno dazumal
trendy jewelry
nostalgic invitations and place cards to bags, hairpins and other accessories, as they were worn in silent movie times or in the rebellious 1950s.

The overall picture of the vintage wedding

Not only the wedding dress and the groom’s outfit must fit into the chosen time. The styling of the bride and groom and even the bridal bouquet also require a lot of attention to detail. This applies equally to the decoration of the celebration, the decoration of the wedding table and the choice of music to dance to.

To make sure everything fits here, it is also important to include your groomsmen, bridesmaids and parents. After all, they have a prominent position right after you on your very big day.

The vintage wedding will be perfect if you also invite your friends, relatives and other guests to adapt their outfit to the theme of the celebration. Then the photos are also perfect!

Romantische Vintagehochzeit in der Ruster Bucht

Vintage wedding photos a kidnapping into a wonderful world

If everything is perfectly coordinated, an almost inexhaustible variety of romantic as well as atmospheric motifs for the vintage wedding photos arises as if by itself. For them, the photographer once again puts the scenes in the best light, so that the lens captures incomparable impressions that preserve the memories of this unique day for a lifetime.

Vintage effects that capture unique moods

Whether on a Vespa from the 1960s or in front of great-grandma’s kitchen stove, whether in a bonnet and top hat or with a wreath of flowers in your hair and a slider cap: the possibilities for expressive and emotional vintage wedding photos are endless. The nostalgic impressions are supported by effects that can be used particularly effectively with vintage wedding photos.

Thus, the soft drawing of meadow, field and forest backgrounds gives rise to dream worlds in which her fairy-tale creature is immediately in the foreground as a symbol of connectedness. Color filters can be reminiscent of photographic material from times long past or – keyword: colorful ’70s – depict motifs in particularly gaudy colors. Finally, vintage wedding photos in black and white emphasize a decidedly artistic style.

So, there are a variety of ways through which vintage wedding and wedding photos can make the most beautiful day of your life an even more extraordinary event.

Hochzeitsfotos Niederösterreich

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